02 January 2014

A Year That Has Been

2013 has finally ended and a new year has come. It was a year full of blessings, hopes, heartbreaks, adventures and trials. Being grateful for the gift of life is still one of the most precious thing in the world I can ever have. 

Some of the highlight of our lives for the past year :

*  Became Godparents to a baby girl named Hikari (half Japanese/half Filipino) born few weeks early. Few months after, her mom was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma and the next months that followed was hectic -- from all the doctor appointments, to taking care of their two daughters to just being there to give support and love when her family can't. I've never been to a hospital so much in my life until this. It was a tough 6 months while she went thru chemotherapy and loosing majority of her hair but there's always light at the end of the tunnel and when December rolled in for yet another round of checkup, cancer is gone! She's stronger more than ever and her faith did not failed her. 

*  In between our busy lives, we were able to travel and explore a little bit more of Europe when time permitted us. We've been to 5 countries in Europe, 2 countries in South East Asia and just traveling around Germany.

*  Hubby made his next rank but won't get promoted until April or May of  2014, that's almost a year of waiting ha!

*  We furnished our temporary house with new furnitures and made it a nice place to come home to.

*  I improved my baking skills, I enhanced my cooking skills.

That's about it. Time flew fast and by summer next year we will be heading out, no idea yet where we're going. We still have a lot of traveling to do this year and to start off, we're going to Belgium this weekend! :)

Looking forward to another year with hopes of fulfilling our dreams.

Until next time. Cheers!

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